One of the hardest things to do as an artist is capture and convey emotion. As a photographer there is a difference in taking a picture and capturing a moment. All of us at one time has taken a picture and couldn’t stop looking at it because it captured more than just an image, it conveyed something with much more depth and emotion. Before I take a photo I always ask myself, what am I trying to say and convey with this image? I don’t complicate the process, but I always have a vison in mind when shooting photos. I’m not one of those shoot from the heart type of guys and hopefully I get lucky with the results. I know my camera and my vision, and I use that as a spring board to create images that say something, mean something, and last. The image below was the result of the above. I had a vision, I know what I wanted to convey, this was the result of that.Good photographers plan thoughtfully over the images they take. The better you know your camera and understand photography, the more you can put into the creative process.